Implementation of gRPC system in Java to manage a commercial's airport logistics.
Design and Implementation of a CI/CD pipeline for a full-stack webapp
Implementation of a Map Reduce system to process queries within a cluster of machines
Migration of a MVC architeture in Java Spring to a SPA-REST architecture. Continuation of LendARead
Implementation of autoencoder, denoising autoencoder and variational autoencoder. Implemented backpropagation and ADAM only with numpy
Short essay on test time compute and it's possible implications. Last assigment for Systems of Artifical Intelligence class.
Compiler written in C that allows generating collages idiomatically.
Webapp built upon Domain Driven Design philosophy with the intent of implementing a large scale system with Java Spring and Postgresql.
Web server for the POP3 protocol (RFC 1939) that manages concurrent connections without blocking. In addition to the server the design and implementation of a protocol to monitor the server (its metrics, users; etc).
Operating system built in C and Assembly with support for system calls, context switching, dynamic memory, sempahores and concurrency.
A multi-process system for calculating the md5 hash of files in parallel, using the Unix operating system as a basis. Implementing the bin packing algorithm to balance the load.
Webapp built to visualize different graph algorithms (and maze generation) by seeing how Dijkstra's dog finds the steak.
Webapp built to visualize different sorting algorithms, among them quicksort, mergesort, and radix sort